Home Movie Review Gantumoote is Beautiful Romantic Drama of a School Girl

Gantumoote is Beautiful Romantic Drama of a School Girl

Gantumoote movie review

Gantumoote is Beautiful Romantic Drama of a School Girl. Gantumoote (Baggage) Movie directed by Roopa rao. Gantumoote (Baggage) Movie Review.

Each and everyone of us had a crush in school days most of us admit some of us don’t. Gantumoote (Baggage) is a beautiful love story evolves around in the teenage.

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Meera (Teju Belawaadi) is a movie goer started watching lots of movies and relating those things happening in real life with movie. she started creating her own world with the things she learned from movies.

Meera had crush on the Madhu because she thought his hairstyle resembles salman khan. She really liked an actor Salman Khan much so she trying to hang out with madhu.

Movie gets more interesting when both started loving each other seriously. The beauty is when things turned good or bad in their relationship she related to it in a movie sequences.

one particular scene one of her mate called her as slut. actually she don’t know the meaning later she realized and started wondering why people abuse sex workers? they also working and earn. It’s one kind of the job like rest there is nothing wrong with it.

It ensures that she is mature enough because she learned lot through watching cinema. Entire film the decision she took and the situation she handled ensures her maturity.

Gantumoote is women lead role film. Beginning Meera started narrating story through voice over from her childhood to the end of the film. The entire film is about the films she watched and the things she encountered.

Writing is really too good in the movie. Meera talked lot whereas Madhu had few dialogues. Song lyrics also too good with utmost poetry and most of the dialogues make us question ourselves.

It’s kind of feeling you can only get these type love movies. Like these Lootera, Mayaanadhi and La La Land movies gave me the same kind of feelings to me. gantumoote in prime

Movie Rating
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Nagesh K
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gantumoote-is-beautiful-romantic-drama-of-a-school-girlGantumoote is Beautiful Romantic Drama of a School Girl. Gantumoote (Baggage) Movie directed by Roopa rao. Gantumoote (Baggage) Movie Review. Each and everyone of us had a crush in school days most of us admit some of us don't. Gantumoote (Baggage) is a beautiful love...



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